The Inspirational Moment Behind “The Three Forever Vectors”
In this world’s horizontal plane, north and south have limits, but east and west go on forever.
In this world’s vertical plane, you can only go so far down, but upward continues infinitely.
The place where these three forever vectors meet, create the formation of a cross.
Is it any wonder why the Three Eternal Beings in the Holy Trinity point us to the shape of a Cross?
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets the Name of the Lord shall be praised!”
(Psalm 113:3 NIV)
One morning, walking along the beach at sunrise, I saw these
Three Forever Vectors in this one image - the golden light reaching, expanding, extending horizontally; the holy light beaming vertically.
We take on His Image when we extend our hands in opposite directions infinitely across the horizontal plane and cast our eyes eternally into the vertical plane.
“The Three Forever Vectors”