The Inspirational Moment Behind “God's Perfect Peace”
One morning I was praying for three families. In the first family, the Mom was facing brain surgery. In the second family, the Dad was in hospice care. And in the third family, the Parents had their Divorce Attorneys on speed dial.
“Lord, I know these people personally and I feel so helpless in the seriousness and somberness of their problems.”
I tried to pray intently and purposefully for each family, but I must confess
all three parts were pitiful - it was a puny prayer. I had no idea what to say.
At the end of my prayer I paused for an extended quiet time hoping God would give me insight, strength, a message of hope, anything. I got nothing. But I closed out my prayer that morning as if He had. “In the Powerful Name of Jesus. Amen.”
No sooner had I said the “Amen” than I heard the cooing of a dove.
And it wasn’t a soft cooing - that dove was singing like a song bird.
Peeking out the window I just had to see what there might be in this world that was worth cooing about.
I spotted the dove up in it’s perch, and it was as if that coo was its cue. Immediately it flew to the ground, landing in the shadows, and began walking toward this area where the light was coming through the trees — a light that just so happened to be in the exact same shape of the dove — having the exact same proportions — facing the exact same direction. The dove was moving toward this perfectly contoured spotlight.
For a visual learner like myself, the message could not have been more clear.
“The Lord will keep in Perfect Peace all who trust in Him, all whose thoughts are fixed on Him!”
(Isaiah 26:3)
God’s Perfect Peace will always find His Wonder-filled Light!
The next time you are praying for people and you don’t know what to ask for, hear this insight, feel this strength, receive this message of hope. God is working on you, wanting to increase your understanding and awareness, as much as He is willing to bless those you are praying for.
Ask God to give His Perfect Peace to each and every one of you, and direct it toward His Wonder-filled Light!